Dyllis Filler, a Tails of Lanschilandia comic
A Tails of Lanschilandia B-side comic.

Currently not updating; main comic is updating.
Last updates:
Tails of LanschilandiaDyllis FillerScribbles
17. August 2023 13. January 202331. January 2017
Book 1Book 2Book 3

Dyllis Has an OFT Complaint

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Finn:This... Does not inspire confidence.
Creep:Psst... You look like you could use some mail. It's made with dandruffs.
Cinnamon:You can't ask for top quality service when someone managed to lose all your hard-earned money.
Finn:That was you, Cinnamon.
CinnamonPffrt. Details!
CinnamonListen here, hatty, how much further are we gonna walk?
Dealer:Patience is not your strongest suit, is it?
Dealer:But luckily for you, it's... um... it's all in there.
Cinnamon:Very funny, you clown. Come on, where is it?

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© 2012-2021 Tammy Spahn