Parsley: | Um, y'know, I was actually pointing over there. |
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Kakralomino: | Parsley. Don't you know it's rude to point at people? |
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Parsley: | What are you doing here, you creep? |
Kakralomino: | What am I doing here? Well, what are you doing here, my fellow enthusiast of traditional baking? |
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Kakralomino: | Because I am merely participating in this jolly old-fashioned bake-off. As you do. |
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Hayfa: | You can bah-bah-bake?
Kakralomino: | No. That's why I'm having my best bakers compete in my stead. |
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Kakralomino: | I said- |
Bad Bat: | Is it our cue yet? You said your best bakers and that's not us. |