Lanschi: | Or maybe we could- |
Kakralomino: | Hey! Stop ignoring me already! |
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Lanschi: | Sorry, you said never to bother you again. What else am I to do when you get all up in my face like that? |
Kakralomino: | Well, okay... That's fair. |
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Kakralomino: | BUT YOU ARE BOTHERING ME! Your cheerfulness! Your niceness! This entire resort is bothering me! |
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Kakralomino: | Oh, how nice of you to stop by, Doc... |
Doctor: | Your stress, Lord Kagnas! I don't think- |
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Kakralomino: | That's the problem, you don't! You're a bigger quack than the duck, you money-grubbing malpractitioner! |
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Kakralomino: | That's weird... I feel the stress fading. Maybe this is what I needed all along? |
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Kakralomino: | Yes, why not, hahaha! Arise, my sandmen! We're taking over this place! |