Tails of Lanschilandia
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Tails of LanschilandiaDyllis FillerScribbles
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Statues of Lamentation - page 40

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ParsleyOkay, this is urgent! I tried to bring back Lanschi, but I was knocked out and now he's... he's...
ParsleyHe's right there.
Panschi:Bah-bah-but if you didn't bring him back... who did?
Who indeed...
Bad Bat:I couldn't just leave him like that!
Bad Bat:I mean, everyone needs an archenemy, right? It just wouldn't have been the same!
Batty:Come back here, you wally! You won't be the same either when I'm done with you!
Bad Bat:Help, help! I'm being chased off into the sunset!

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