Hayfa: | Isn't it wonderful,
Rose? Such a walk in the park under the mah-mah-mooonlight... |
Parsley: | Perhaps? |
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Hayfa: | You know what they say about the mooon? |
Parsley: | What? |
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Hayfa: | It is made of cheese. |
Parsley: | No way! |
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Hayfa: | Yup, yup! I intend to taste it some day. Hopefully when it's full so there's more. |
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Hayfa: | I wonder if it's sharp like cheddar or mah-mah-more like swiss. Can you imagine the taste, Rose? |
Shishlareth: | Mmm, yes... Myself is imagining quite the taste right now... |
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Hayfa: | Every year, a cow jumps over the moon to celebrate its fermentation. |
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Parsley: | Hayfa, we have a problem... |
Hayfa: | Don't tell me there'll be an eclipse! |