Dyllis Filler, a Tails of Lanschilandia comic
A Tails of Lanschilandia B-side comic.

Currently not updating; main comic is updating.
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Tails of LanschilandiaDyllis FillerScribbles
17. August 2023 13. January 202331. January 2017
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Holiday Special - New Year 2021

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Cinnamon:Ooh, my head... What happened? Is it the New Year yet? I don't remember anything.
Dyllis:You got lost in the sauce, Cinnamon.
Cinnamon:What? I don't even drink!
Dyllis:No, I mean, we lost you in the giant pot of cheese fondue at the New Year's event. It was quite big, remember?
Dyllis:It took us three days to find you.
Cinnamon:Couldn't you leave me to my misery?

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© 2012-2021 Tammy Spahn