Hayfa: | The Cake-Off! It's tomorrow! And I'm not prepared! |
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Hayfa: | Gotta hurry... But first, I'll finish these... |
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Hayfa: | There, all clean and tah-tah-tidy! |
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Hayfa: | I should ask Rose for help. I wonder what she's doing now... |
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| We don't know, but why not check on the evil wizard, Kakralomino? |
Kakralomino: | Hey! It's rude to drop by unannounced.
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Kakralomino: | And speaking of rude, Bad Bat was supposed to be here an hour ago. Where is that fluttering dingbat now?! |
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Kakralomino: | Oh no, he's gonna come through the window again, isn't he? Why can't he- wait, where'd he go?
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Kakralomino: | GAH!