| And so... |
Parsley: | Well, looks like everything's been restored to its ordinary state. |
Lanschi: | And it's all back to normal, too! |
--- |
Lanschi: | Ahh, the scent of a flower that doesn't want to eat you. |
--- |
Parsley: | That reminds me... weren't you supposed to be watching a dog? |
Lanschi: | Oh quackers, I was! |
--- |
Lanschi: | Rover must still be with Panschi. Panschi can't stand dogs! |
--- |
Lanschi: | Whoa... |
--- |
Lanschi: | Eep! |
Panschi: | WHEEEEE!! |
--- |
Lanschi: | Well, I'll be a turkey's uncle! |
Parsley: | Seems like Panschi has turned over a new leaf, hehe! |
| Fin. |