| Alas, no success was had... |
Lanschi: | Why did you say that? |
Panschi: | 'Cuz. |
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Lanschi: | Because what? |
Panschi: | 'Cuz we gotta get you back to normal anyway. |
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Panschi: | No point causin' a panic now. |
Lanschi: | Yeah, but... |
--- |
Lanschi: | It's so frustrating! It's like I'm not myself anymore! I can't even pass for myself anymore, and I thought I was a decent immpersonator! It makes me want to crawl up the walls! |
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Parsley: | Heads up, Lanschi! There are rotten apples in life, but I am certain we can fix this. |
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Hayfa: | Dah-dah-definitely! There's a happy ending to every story! |
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Hayfa: | Right, pals? |
Parsley: | Um... precisely! Let's go see the Professor. Or an entomologist. |