Dyllis Filler, a Tails of Lanschilandia comic
A Tails of Lanschilandia B-side comic.

Currently not updating; main comic is updating.
Last updates:
Tails of LanschilandiaDyllis FillerScribbles
17. August 2023 13. January 202331. January 2017
Book 1Book 2Book 3

Dyllis Doesn't Say Much in This One

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Cinnamon:That was a waste of time.
Dyllis:We did save a kingdom...
Cinnamon:And for what? Nothing! Not even a packed lunch.
Finn:We're not here for the rewards, Cinnamon.
Cinnamon:Oh? Then why are we here?
Finn:Because there's something vile out there... You know what I'm talking about.
Cinnamon:I sure do.
Cinnamon:So what do we do with the stingy old skinflint, and how do we make it look like an accident?
Finn:That's not what I'm talking about!

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