Priestess: | We are deeply sorry to have upset you, Great Heilukamukau! |
Hayfa: | Hey-look-a-what-now? |
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Priestess: | Please forgive me for not explaining. It is the name we have given you, O Great and Fat one! |
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Priestess: | It will please you to hear that your people has done great things in your name! |
Hayfa: | Oh, now I understand... |
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Priestess: | Our great Chief has correctly recognised, however, that you are angry with us. Thus, we have brought you sacrifices to appease you. |
Hayfa: | Sah-sah-sacrifices? |
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Priestess: | A group of strangers that invaded our- |
Hayfa: | Aw, I thought you meant food! |
Priestess: | ...Food? |
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Islanders: | *whisper* *whisper* |
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Priestess: | If you have a particular wish, O Fat ONe, it shall be done. Just tell me your sacred desire! |
Hayfa: | Oooh! Well, as an entreé, I would like... |
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Islander: | I hope our sacrifices are convincing you to restore the lava flow. |
Hayfa: | *munch* *nom* Oh yah, phure. I'll gep po vap laper. |