Dyllis Filler, a Tails of Lanschilandia comic
A Tails of Lanschilandia B-side comic.

Currently not updating; main comic is updating.
Last updates:
Tails of LanschilandiaDyllis FillerScribbles
17. August 2023 13. January 202331. January 2017
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The Secret Debut of Finnegan Snooks

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Sage:You shall meet with a girl in a star shirt by the border of Caereg. Her name is Dyllis and you must help keep her safe.
Sage:She is a great warrior herself and may not need much help, but you must do what you can to protect her.
Sage:She's one of the best and her unique power may determine the fate of the world in the future!
Sage:And if it's not too much work, please stop by at Myrddin's and pick up some ConstiPotions. Don't ask.
Finn:I kind of wonder if he's making a fool of me.

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